Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Squealed like a stuck pig

A very unusual day here on the farm.  At least unusual for this city boy.  Early in the morning about an hour before the sun came up, I heard an ear shattering squeal.  Now I know first hand what they mean when they say "squealed like a stuck pig".   One of the large pigs had met his maturation point. 
Of course it seemed just like any other day to the chickens and ducks in the yard.  I didn't take any pictures today.  But where you see the duck in the 4th picture above I saw one large dead pig.  I went about my usual morning routine taking it all in stride.  While washing up I heard the sound of what seamed like a rocket engine.  This is unusual since one scarcely ever hears an air plane in these parts.
As I was retuning to my house, I saw the source of the noise.  They were using a propane torch to burn off all the rough hair and hide of the pig.  As I was enjoying my hot cereal for breakfast, the farmer continued now washing all the burnt outer skin with a stiff brush.  You can guess what came next.  As I was leaving for work, my co-worker Sergiu was excited about tasting some fresh pig ear skin.  Hmmm.  One small bite was enough for me.  Well you can guess what we had for lunch and supper today.  It's called porc friptura, or in otherwords fried (more like roasted) pork.  It was something like Thanksgiving meal at home where you want to try every part of the Turkey.  We had a good selection of every part of the pig.  So it was just another day on the farm.  The cows went out to pasture.  But four went out and five came back.  Today one of the cows had a calf out in the pasture.  So one squeal leads to the next.  I hope you had a great day too.

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