The mayor's office provided the van. |
Our birde, Victoria, with her mom looking on. |
The casa cultura in Berezlogi |
We are one of many villages participating. |
Piatra group arrives in Berezlogi |
The brass band is playing marches. |
Mayor Parascovia Negrutsa in blue dress. |
We join the parade of performers. |
Groomed horseman lead us |
Nansi wear white sashes. Doamna Cristina is center. |
The bride and groom |
lovely embroidered blouses and skirts |
Piatra group takes the stage |
Doamna Cristina leads the singing. |
Our bride and groom are wrapped with love (blankets). |
Bride and Groom lead the hora. |
Everyone dance! |
Final bow as they leave the stage |
It was a great show. |
Hey! You already got a bride. |
A wedding contest is nothing like the bachelor or bachelorette show. It was a sing off contest between folk ensembles from various villages around the Orhei raion. It look place the second Sunday of May in the village of Berezlogi. This little berg is only about a half hour's drive from Piatra. The Piatra Ensemble was made up of many staff from the center where I volunteer and a few other villagers. Since we were representing our village, the mayor's office van was our transportation. The mayor was also along for the ride. Here we see Sergiu, who plays the part of the groom in our presentation, leading us to the van about 9 AM on Sunday morning. Our bride, Victoria, is still in her teens, so this was just a dry run for her. We arrived in Berezlogi and proceeded to the "casa cultura" building. A place was set for our group on the terrace and a brass band was playing some lively marching music as we unloaded from our van. The lady in the blue dress is our mayor, Doamna Parascovia Negrutsa. We join the parade of groups who are led into the presentation area by groomed horseman. Our presentation group includes the nanasi (marriage godparents) who wear white sashes to indicate their role. The bride and groom make a charming couple. Our ensemble members wear their embroidered folk blouses and traditional skirts. Each village group takes a turn on the stage to demonstrate a "Frumose Nunti" a beautiful wedding. The saying goes 'frumos nuntile se leaga' or 'a beautiful wedding is binding'. Doamna Cristina leads our performance with several traditional songs. The bride and groom are being wrapped in blankets --even though this is May--because this shows the love and support of their families. Then of course it's covers off and everyone dance the hora. Doamna Cristina and the Nanasi take a final bow as the Piatra group leaves the stage. My girlfriend, Sylvia and I enjoyed the contest, but the groom almost stole my date! Who won the contest? Mmmm. Not sure, but every group got a diploma for participating and we all enjoyed some placinta and wine afterwards.